A paradigm shift

A paradigm shift. Medical educational institutions around the world are making efforts in transforming the way education is delivered. BY PRASHANT MISHRA

The quality of education in a country is a strong indicator of the economic and social development. Education is an area driven and influenced by public policy, and affects the entire human capital of a nation. This is all the more true for medical education. The quality of medical education in a nation influences not only the state of the healthcare workforce, but also the population healthcare and development indicators. Medical educational institutions around the world are making efforts in transforming the way education is delivered by redesigning curriculum and incorporation of current learning technologies. A few of the challenges that beset medical education today are outlined below:

A paradigm shift

Research Output 
A study published in 2016, tracked the research output from 579 Indian medical Institutions between 2005 and 2014, and compared the results with some of the most prestigious medical centres in the world. It was found that only 4.3% of the institutions produced more than 100 papers a year. Around 57.3% of the medical colleges did not have a single publication during this period, thus highlighting the state of medical research in the country. Investment in a robust research pipeline acts as the driving force for any academic institution, spearheading innovation, creation of new technologies and intellectual property.

Sub-optimised research efforts compromise funding and manpower both, amongst other things. Inadequate research publication skills such as inappropriate research designs, unrepresentative samples, incorrect methods of analysis, and faulty interpretation all adversely affect the quality of research. Doctors in India have to manage multiple demands on their time: clinical responsibilities, administrative duties, handling a high volume of patients, leaving them with very little time for research. However, research and publishing are important activities in the life of a clinician.

Continuous Medical Education
Continuing medical education remains one of the most important sources to maintain and update clinical competence and learn about therapeutic advances. CME acts as a support system to help clinicians to continuously improve their practice and offer better care to their patients. Online CME platforms offer a multitude of benefits, including flexibility in time and place over traditional CME interventions. The availability of online, learner-centred CME tools helps clinicians diagnose their learning needs and choose the learning pathway most appropriate for them. However, it is important that doctors exercise their option to learn from accredited CME providers. Learning from credible, reputed and accredited healthcare providers provides credibility to the learning content and ensures the clinicians of the authenticity of learning materials.

A paradigm shift

Clinical Decision Support Systems 
In a study published in 2016, it was observed that if medical error was a disease, it would be the third largest killer in the US. A Harvard University study in 2013 estimated that 5.2 million injuries occur across India each year (out of the 43 million globally) due to medical errors and adverse events. In another study, it was pointed out that primary care consultants in India allocate around two minutes per patient consultation. Synthesising expert opinion, evidence and incorporating patient considerations at the time of patient consultation might be cumbersome, but is important nonetheless

In this situation, to offer optimum medical care to patients and avoid any adverse event, it becomes essential that clinicians utilise tools and resources right at the point of care. Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) aid supplement clinical decision making—in which the characteristics of an individual patient are matched to a computerised clinical knowledge base and patient-specific assessments or recommendations are then presented to the clinician or the patient for a decision.

The Way Forward 
The need for imparting fair, value based medical education is greater than ever before. The use of accredited learning resources, reputed international course interventions for supporting research and incorporation of evidence in clinical decision making would help support the cause of medical education in a long way.
Sources: Healthcare Radius, July 2018

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